Podcast Insights states that 80% of podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 shows per week.
Interesting, isn’t it?
There are over 29 million podcast episodes as of April 2019, and they are growing fast. In the United States, 51% of the population has listened to podcasts, out of which 49% of listening is done at home, and 22% is done while in the car.
As they say, truly so, ‘Content is the King.’ So along with making the experts talk over your podcast, you should have a strong content strategy as well.
If thought leadership plays a key role in your content strategy, then it’s important to create a scheduled and recurring podcast that includes experts in your industry for B2B brands.
You can invite experts from the same or different industries and the customer network to share their stories. With which you will reach out to more audiences, B2B brands, and thought leaders, eventually.
The key here, to have a good number of listeners to your podcast, is to broadcast the real experiences. Let that be of successes or failures or the struggles and the practical way-outs that have been found to overcome it.
The more genuine your podcast sounds, the higher the chances are that you would reach more people. And no matter how big or small a business you are running, a good marketing strategy will assure some amount of success. However, that’s the part where you can also try influencer marketing as a part of your marketing strategy.