Turning Medallia's Marketing Into a Powerhouse with Machintel’s AI & Data

Oct 27, 2023

Good marketing? It's all about planning and taking the right steps. At Machintel, we help our clients do just that.

Meet Medallia. They're big on understanding what customers are saying and helping other businesses do the same. They were doing a pretty great job with their marketing, but they knew they could do even better. So, they teamed up with us, and together, we aimed to spread their message even wider and louder.
Here’s what happened when we joined forces with Medallia:

Where Medallia Started

Medallia wasn't starting from scratch: They had a vision, and their marketing was already pretty good. Aiming to not just blend in, they were on a mission to be a standout name in the realm of understanding customer voices. Given the highly-competitive landscape they were in, distinguishing themselves wasn't going to be an easy feat. That’s why they connected with Machintel.

The challenge

Digital marketing isn't simply about broadcasting a message. It's about ensuring the right message finds the right ears — and prompts action. Many marketers get one part down, but not the whole thing. Medallia wanted to make sure their message reached their audience and drove them to act in some way. But the question remained: how could they stand out in such a competitive landscape?

How Machintel Stepped Up with Tailored Tactics

We knew that a one-size-fits all marketing approach wouldn’t work here. Each and every brand carries a unique story and identity, and it was our goal to help Medallia define theirs and broadcast it. So we began by learning everything we could about Medallia and creating a strategy specifically tailored to their needs, goals, their organization, and industry. This highly-customized marketing plan is a critical part of standing out in a competitive marketplace.

Data Done Right

In the digital age, data isn't just numbers – it's valuable business insights waiting to be uncovered. But it's not about being drowned in a sea of data – you can have tons of good data, but if you’re not using it correctly, it’s nearly worthless. It's about pinpointing the most relevant information that aligns with your goals. For Medallia, we delved deep into the world of B2B data, coupling it with timely insights, ensuring that their outreach was always on the mark. With the right data and the right interpretation, we were able to help them understand how to make better decisions and create better campaigns for their audiences.

AI: Our strategic edge

Data, when paired with intelligent tools, can almost feel like the “magic bullet” on a marketing team. Our AI isn’t just about algorithms and computations - it’s more like a strategic planner that helps us gather incredible insights from data. This is how we can help improve decision-making and shape effective strategies. For Medallia, we did just that - and they were thrilled with where they ended up.

Medallia’s Biggest Wins

Numbers Tell a Story

Results are the true litmus test of any strategy. And Medallia's results? They were nothing short of exceptional. With a surge of 1700 premium leads, what was even more remarkable was the quality — every lead was spot-on, underscoring the effectiveness of the strategy. Both quality AND quantity? We’ll take it.

Beyond the Data

But there's a narrative beyond just numbers. With their revamped strategy, Medallia didn't just follow the industry flow; they began setting trends. Transitioning from strong contenders to industry frontrunners, Medallia was able to not only stand out in their industry, but inspire others to recreate their strategies.

Now let’s talk about your brand

Where do you want to see your brand in a few years? Do you want to grow, flourish, and lead in your industry? No matter how lofty and unattainable your goals may seem now, we’ve worked with clients who have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. No matter how high you’re aiming, we guarantee that a deep dive into data and strategy will at least get you part of the way there.  We know that navigating the world of marketing today is no easy feat. But that’s why we’re here - to help you on your way, and to give you the competitive edge you won’t get elsewhere.

Inspired by Medallia's trajectory? Let’s have a conversation. We could help you get somewhere similar. Let’s talk

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