Digital Marketing Strategies for Pharma

Dec 29, 2019

Marketing strategies tend to change with time and place. Strategies that upsurge sales in one particular region may not be effective in some other region. Not only this, but marketing strategies are also influenced by the industry domain in which these are applied. The pharmaceutical industry is one such domain where growth is mainly characterized by various marketing strategies and other business factors too. The pharmaceutical industry is largely affected by stringent laws and regulatory measures enforced by the countries from time to time to control prices and consider environmental safety. Owing to this, top pharma companies like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, Abbott may face a backlash if they do not comply with these laws including protection and environment safety, just as it happened in the case of Johnson and Johnson talcum powder, due to which the company had to face hefty penalties by the US government.

The digital marketing strategies for pharma companies tend to change pertaining to the region which means the same company needs to adopt different marketing strategies accordingly for its growth.

Pharmaceutical companies’ largest expenses are research and development costs and with such substantial costs, companies have dedicated more time and energy into developing creative marketing strategies to attract additional consumers.

Let’s discuss in detail how digital marketing strategies can be utilized effectively for the growth of a pharma company.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing when it comes to the pharma company. Customers search extensively for the online healthcare content before they seek a doctor’s appointment. And drugs being chemicals, these healthcare blogs and articles help customers to learn more about these drugs and their uses. Content marketing in pharma company involves authoring helpful guides in the form of articles and blog posts that help consumers learn new information or otherwise offer them something that is completely free of charge.

In pharmaceutical industry, content marketing helps to build customer loyalty along with creating awareness about the new life-saving drugs that have hit the market. Customers look up to these articles and blogs on pharmaceuticals when they are more concerned about themselves or loved ones due to an illness or medical condition. These accurate and informative guides help build a sense of trustworthiness between the consumer and the company. Connecting with consumers at such crucial times bring about building strong relationship and loyalty to the pharmaceutical company. Thus, content marketing serves to be the ideal digital marketing for healthcare strategy as it can deliver long-term results.

Search Engine Optimization

Content marketing would not prove to be fruitful without the application of digital strategies like SEO. Content marketing cannot work without Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the most important component of digital marketing strategy for pharma brands to gain visibility and organic growth. Search Ranking for important keywords is a crucial factor for pharma companies that develops credibility among patients and other healthcare providers. It ensures that visitors can include both medical practitioners and patients land on the company’s website when searching for a related query. Once the visitors are on the website, they can be compelled to explore more content on it, watch videos, learn more about the service and even fill in an inquiry. This is an important strategy for brands to improve the quality of digital leads generated in a pharma company.

Building A Comprehensive Website

The website serves to be the face of any pharma company for its customers. With the accurate information shared and brand image projected on the website, it is easy for pharma companies to associate and connect with its customers. The website must be informative enough so that it becomes easy for the doctors and patients to do intensive research before prescribing any drugs or consuming it. It should contain thorough details about possible side-effects, benefits, recommended dosage amounts and other important information like immediate remedies on the drug’s allergic reactions. In addition to this, having details about clinical trials on the website further helps in building credibility.


Technologies like artificial intelligence can further help in adding to your digital marketing strategies. Pharmaceutical companies can use AI technologies like chatbots on their website as an innovative digital marketing strategy tool. Chatbots can be used to communicate directly with consumers, doctors or medical representatives and are more effective owing to their 24/7 support. Chatbots not only help in product marketing but also offer assistance on how to use them. AI technologies like ‘virtual nurses’ can help patients maintain their prescriptions, book appointments with doctors and even send reminders regarding medication and doses timing. Pharma companies can also develop ‘health assistance’ chatbots to offer their patients guidance on leading a healthy and active life and to engage with their patients on a more constant basis. Chatbots also help doctors by delivering them information about a drug’s recommended usage, clarifying drug-related queries and even direct them to research conducted for a specific drug.


Digital marketing for pharma has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the pharma industries along with the revenue growth. Utilizing these digital marketing strategies effectively and adopting new technologies will give pharma companies an edge to stand out in this competitive dynamic market.

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