Employing CRO as the Main Weapon for Your Marketing Success

Aug 21, 2020

Launching a successful B2B marketing campaign can work as a differentiator that sets your brand apart within a crowded market. 

Yes! You heard campaign; it sounds extremely complicated, but it’s not difficult to accomplish. Please don’t skip.

We all know that the best marketing campaigns make companies and brands memorable forever. From P&G’s “Thank You, Mom” to Nike's famous slogan "Just Do It" to Dos Equis’s “Most Interesting Man in the World,”. All of these campaigns stick with us even today, long after their impression.  

Why is that? It’s because they never promoted their brand but focused their efforts on influencing consumers towards the desired action. 

Marketing campaigns can do the same for your B2B sales success. It can be a greater challenge for B2B marketers, but a well-thought-out campaign can trigger new interest in your business and increase your sales. A strategic B2B marketing campaign works as a road map for achieving your marketing goals throughout the year.

But wait! How will a strategic or well-planned marketing campaign look like?  

For B2B marketing, we don’t have fascinating products to sell, but with proper planning, creative strategy, flawless implementation, and continued optimization, your marketing campaign will definitely progress towards achieving your goals.

What Is the Importance of CRO in Digital Marketing Success?

Every account needs CRO somewhere in their marketing plan. 

According to the state of PPC, conversion rate optimization (CRO) has continuously been a top priority since 2013 for agencies and brands year after year. Let’s see what smart marketers have to say about the importance of CRO for marketing success. 

To quote the State of PPC report, “Spending more money on traffic in order to get more conversions is one solution. Investing in CRO in order to convert your existing traffic at a higher rate is a smarter solution. Optimizing the user experience to result in higher conversion rates is the most effective way to increase ROI…If you had 100 people visit your site, would you rather have 1 convert 10? Of course, it’s 10. That’s why CRO matters.”

Maximize the Percentage of Website Visitors to Take the Desired Actions

HubSpot, in one of its articles, ‘The Beginner's Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)’ mentions, “Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of enabling people to take an action when they visit a website. By designing and modifying certain elements of a webpage, a business can increase the chances that site visitors will "convert" into a lead or customer before they leave. Many websites are designed to convert website visitors into customers. These conversions occur all over the website -- on the homepage, pricing page, blog, and landing pages -- and all of these can be optimized for a higher number of conversions. The process of optimizing those conversions is exactly what CRO entails.

Hitsearch describes the role of Conversion Rate Optimization, “as a process that maximizes the number of potential customers to take a specific action when visiting your website. A successful marketing campaign might be defined by an increase in visitors to your site by the likes of an SEO or PPC led strategy, but if these users aren’t converting, then half of the battle is lost. Whatever your goal (a sale, a lead generated, an email sign up, an appointment booking or a relevant download), a conversion will be achieved after the successful completion of one or all of the above. If the goals are not completed, your customers are not converting. It’s as simple as that. This is where the valuable process of CRO comes in. Conversion Rate Optimization will measure the percentage of visitors to your website that actually converts and seeks to increase it. Using the resources of a professional CRO agency to dig into the reasons why people aren’t converting at the rate they should, Hit Search will make recommendations for your website and marketing strategy to better meet the needs of your audience, and thereby increase your conversion rate.”

Optimizing for a Higher Conversion Rate Means More Bang for the Buck

Similarly, Main Street ROI has outlined conversion as the key success to digital marketing campaigns, in one of their articles, ‘Marketing 101: Why Conversion is Key to Your Success’. Everything you do in online marketing is designed to convert visitors to your website into paying customers for your business.  And conversion rates don’t just include salespeople who make appointments, fill out contact forms, call you, and request free quotes also count as conversions. A conversion can be any desired action that brings your business closer to making a sale. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by metrics when getting started in digital marketing. You must watch click-through rates (CTRs) and cost-per-click (CPC) while always considering your return on investment (ROI). But the whole point of digital marketing is to maximize conversions for the cheapest-possible price. Increasing the conversion rates of your online marketing campaigns is usually the cheapest way to boost your profits.

How to Create a CRO Strategy to Improve Every Aspect of Your Marketing Campaigns?

  • With an effective CRO methodology in place, you can segment your target audience. You can target them with your blog post, email campaignswhitepapers, webinars, but all these must speak to the prospect’s needs and problems. By providing your audience with rock-hard tips and takeaways, and personalized messaging and the right time, you can turn them into your life long customers. 
  • CRO allows you to see how your customers use your website, understand how they navigate, how they use your internal search, and on which pages they spend time on. With this information, you can earn repeat business by offering discounts, showcasing products and services that might interest them. This will ultimately upgrade your campaign success with even more profit. 
  • CRO can also help you understand the value of your site. It will enable you to foresee pages responsible for the highest number of conversions. With this vital data, you can work on improving your marketing loops to increase conversion and, in turn, your revenue.
  • We all know that content is king when it comes to successful marketing campaigns. CRO plays an important role in your content strategy. It helps in measuring the quality of your content by testing its popularity in relevance to the audience you are targeting.
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