General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Everything You Need to Know

Data Intelligence
Jul 2, 2022

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a series of new regulations to give European Union (EU) citizens greater control over their data and information.

Whenever a user visits a particular site, they look for the security sign in the URL bar. They proceed only after 100% assurance. Post that, they leave earlier than expected if the site asks them for personal data.

Thus, after years of planning, the General Data Protection Regulation Act was passed on May 25, 2018.

The GDPR was implemented to protect the privacy of individuals. It established stringent rules for businesses to follow when dealing with the data of individuals who interact with them.

Initially, it was assumed that the GDPR would negatively impact businesses, but it proved the opposite.

GDPR has boosted the businesses of reputable websites. These GDPR-compliant businesses were happy to reveal their use of customer data, and as a result, the customer felt secure.

The GDRP has been a game-changing act in data privacy. Data privacy has a pre-GDPR and a post-GDPR period. 

Let us look at how this game-changing act has impacted and will continue to impact data privacy in 2022.

What Is GDPR, and Why Is It Important?

To understand the General Data Protection Regulation, you must first visit their official website, as the act contains 99 individual articles.

To summarise, GDPR is a law enacted by the EU that provides strong data protection rules. This law establishes a business approach to dealing with an individual's data. It also offers users the right to know how their personal information, such as name, date of birth (DOB), location, and cookies, is used.

GDPR is crucial because it deals with the personal data of an individual. There can be limitless exposure to an individual's privacy if there is no GDPR. Imagine a person’s name, location, online activities, phone number, DOB, and more accessible to everyone! That is a massive data breach and a threat to the entire system.

As a result, the GDPR classifies personal data as sensitive data and provides enhanced protection. This sensitive information can also include race, caste, political opinions, and religious beliefs.

Thus, GDPR compliance essentially gives individuals ultimate control over the sensitive data they wish to share. And, sure, it includes individuals, businesses, corporations, and everyone who uses the internet.

The Seven Principles of GDPR

The GDPR has a set of seven fundamental principles. These principles define how to handle the data of individuals and organizations. They are the framework of the entire GDPR act. 

The seven principles are:

  1. Lawfulness
  2. Purpose limitations
  3. Data minimization
  4. Accuracy
  5. Storage limit
  6. Integrity and security
  7. Accountability

These pillars that comprise the GDPR act and protect the entire data system from security threats and breaches.

On the GDPR compliance website, you can review the whole set of principles and get a detailed account. 

The GDPR Rights

Along with the principles, GDPR provides individuals and companies with rights. These rights enable individuals and organizations to have know and control the information they disclose, wish to share, delete, and manage their privacy settings.

The GDPR rights are:

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object

These rights ensure that individuals have complete access to and control of their data. Additionally, if the GDPR is violated, there are severe fines and penalties.

Amazon was fined the US $ 877 million for the personal data breach. It is the largest GDPR fine ever paid. However, if Amazon had implemented the "cookie policy" and persuaded users to accept cookies, it might have avoided paying the huge money.

The Future of Data Privacy

The pandemic has heightened awareness of the importance of digitization. It entails increased use of internet data, storage, and accessibility. And it is directly related to the number of breaches and the likelihood of data loss. 

As a result, several anticipated data security trends may impact security legislation and GDPR compliance requirements in 2022.

One Tool for Data Privacy

Privacy and security go hand in hand. Thus, the different tools for privacy agreement and security compliance can be merged. 

It will reduce manual work and provide more secure data assurance to individuals. 

Businesses will use this single tool to manage different standards and regulations. It will simplify their tasks and make it easier to comply with security standards.

GDPR Compliance Spreads Across the Globe

Due to its jurisdiction neutrality, the GDPR is being adopted globally. According to a recent IAPP poll, GDPR compliance grew by 7% in 2021. It suggests GDPR compliance is gaining momentum and will grow in the coming years.

Rise of New Laws and Regulations

As digitalization is on the rise, every nation is curating new laws to avoid security breaches. 

Additionally, there is so much data on the cloud and servers that they need to be updated frequently.

As a result, the more data is accessed, the more security is affected. Moreover, the invention of new software, payment apps, and social media will demand stricter laws and GDPR compliance requirements but with convenience.

Thus, countries will change laws, make new ones and update them regularly as per the data market.

Data Management Will Get More People-Centric

Personal data is at the center of data mapping services. Hence, data management will become more customer-centric in the future years.

Data mapping will get easier. However, ultimate permissions remain with the individual. They will decide how much information to share and who has access.

Data Protection as a Service

We may be familiar with IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, and SaaS. However, the day is not far off when data protection as a service DPaaS will become commonplace.

This service will allow organizations and individuals to tighten their security, preserve the data, and upgrade the same platform. It will also simplify data protection services by providing multiple features on one platform.

DPaaS ensures enhanced security for stored and transit data. And this service is expected to grow in popularity in the coming years!

GDPR Post Brexit

Organizations in the UK must follow the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

But the UK GDPR has updated its regulations to comply with international standards for data protection.

Crucial Points

Every organizations must follow the GDPR requirements. Even minor violations of the GDPR can result in hefty fines, as is well-known.

Thus, it is critical to process data appropriately, appoint a data protection officer, and eliminate any possibility of a system security breach.

As a result, the faster the world digitalizes, the more adaptive we must make security solutions.

The GDPR was considered a threat to digital businesses. But the more implementation is gained, the better clarity organizations have.

According to Airbus's Karl Hennessee, Senior Vice President, Litigation, Investigations, and Regulatory Affairs,

‘The GDPR is not anti-business. On the contrary, there’s a lot of money to be made by protecting people’s rights.’


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any specific change in the GDPR?

The GDPR's primary change was a time restriction for reporting a security breach. Within 72 hours of discovering a security breach, a business or individual should notify the appropriate authorities. Additionally, extra care should be devoted to avoiding any delay in reporting the incident.

Is there a GDPR compliant checklist?

Yes, the GDPR complaint checklist is as follows:

  • Complete information on email and passwords
  • Data encryption
  • VPNs
  • Two-tier authentication

What is the central idea of GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation, known as the GDPR, is an act passed by the EU to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data of individuals and organizations. It has a framework of 7 principles and rights of individuals regarding access to personal data.

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