7 Ways You Can Transform Your Travel-tech Email Marketing Campaigns

Apr 6, 2020

The multi-billion travel-tech industry is not only alive and well, it is thriving. According to Statista, 1.2 million people traveled internationally around the world generating global revenue of U.S $1.26 million.

Internet user date

The future seems even more promising as millennials love to travel and comprise the traveling population more than Baby Boomers and Gen Xers combined. Appeal to the current generation by creating email content that blends business travel with a sentiment of leisure. Travel-tech companies can take this opportunity to market themselves through various multi-channel mediums to reach their potential customers. It is an ever-evolving challenge for marketers to get their outreach strategies aligned to capture customers and develop their loyalty. 

What makes the age-old email-marketing for travel-tech marketers so important?

Even with the extent of the rapid growth of social media, 58% of people still say email is their first “check” of the day. Tweet This! Email inboxes are where businesses can find the leads that they require. Marketers need to capture this opportunity and devise marketing plans to meet potential clients with personalized, engaging and dynamic content. Email is a great tool to make your company engaging and relevant to the right people. This blog will delve deeper into some of the things you should consider while planning your email marketing strategy. Follow these tips to enable higher click-through rates and create a better experience for your customers. Let’s get started!

1. Personalize Your Email

The simplest and most effective way to do this is by using first names in your email. Personalization will make your audience feel like they’re being spoken to as individuals and your message will feel less like a robotic promotion and more like a genuine conversation. Don’t be afraid to use first names in your content, subject lines, and even your images. Personalizing email allows you to build stronger relationships with your subscribers. Make use of third party CRMs to gain more information and insights about your leads to make sure you can send forward emails that are more relevant. Here is a simple example of a DECK 7 personalized email promoting great relevant content about the travel tech industry!

Email templates

2.  Focus on the Experience

Yearly family vacation trips or monthly business commutes, the incredible travel experience is what makes the journey stand apart. Don’t miss out on promoting memorable customer experiences by just focusing on the destination and not on the journey. Include exhilarating activities to take part in business conferences or attend promotional events. This enables you to cater to unique experiences to your clients. Boost your email ROI by incorporating an experience-based content strategy.


3. Video Content

What better way to immerse viewers than a perfectly crafted video of potential destinations and various travel experiences on offer. Video content can boost click-through rate by 200% by providing subscribers a lifelike preview of the terrain, geography, hotel, food and various other attractions. Strong video content appeals to potential client's emotions making them more likely to purchase or follow through with the presented deals. Communicate what your brand is all about with precise video content in your emails. Try to also include GIFs and maybe even slide shows to make your email stand out even further.

Video Content

4. Use Optimized Subject Lines

Most of the content consumed is on mobile. A well crafted and optimized email subject line goes a long way to convert more leads to prospective clients. Most brands are still stuck with generic un- optimized subject lines which significantly impact click through rates. Use a subject line checker to determine how effective various variations of subject lines are before forwarding your emails.

5. Make Use of Customer Feedback

Use positive customer feedback to enable more conversions from your email campaigns. Consumer feedback is critical for the travel industry and there is no better way to build trust amongst your prospective clients than to showcase what your satisfied customer base is saying about your business. Include testimonies as your email opener to grab attention. Reading positive stories about your brand will give subscribers the confidence they need to book the flight or make the hotel reservation.

6. Focus on Re-Targeted Email

Re-targeting leads that visited your website or clicked on your email links to just browse and not make a purchase can work tremendously if done correctly. Cost-per-click rates for search campaigns are constantly increasing and your competitors are producing more content about destinations than ever. Once you convince a lead to come to your website the battle is only half won. Run an email retargeting campaign which focuses on returning customers or new subscribers who have abandoned a shopping cart. People who are re-targeted after abandonment have a 26% chance of returning to complete their purchase. Set up relevant trigger emails to be sent to visitors who browsed your website, selected a product or even those who went through multiple blogs. By re-targeting abandoned audiences you get a second chance to enable a sale.

Re-Targeted Email

7. Mobile Conversion

Smartphone usage is increasing exponentially throughout the globe. Any email campaign must focus on a mobile targeted strategy. A report from Email Monks reveals that 69% of travel emails are opened on mobile devices. And Litmus says that 45% of people read emails from travel brand emails on their phones. Travelers are using mobile devices at every stage of their buyer journey. Formatting of your emails need to be done in a way that they look crystal clear when viewed on mobile devices. Travel industry email marketing has to combine a mobile marketing strategy for raising awareness and nurturing customers with a cross-device strategy for completing sale.

Mobile Conversion

In Conclusion

According to MailChimp, travel email marketing has a 20.69% open rate and thus 84% of brands are using email marketing to help them gain and retain customers. Effective travel –tech email marketing campaigns need to get sent straight to the inbox on any device. Marketers can use simple but effective strategies like personalization, remarketing, and mobile optimization to get the best out of even smaller budget mobile campaigns. With email campaigns, there is a need to strike a fine balance between being relevant to customers without coming across as spam.

Best of Luck! 

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