Case Study

IBM MessageSight

MessageSight and Inner-City Transportation
United States
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IBM loT MessageSight provides secure, rapid, bi-directional messaging for the Internet of Things (loT) and mobile environments, has low latency bi-directional control, and is suitable for both private and public cloud infrastructures.

To identify potential clients for MessageSight, IBM conducted lead generation campaigns across the US focused on mid to large-sized companies in the travel and tourism industry.

The target audiences included senior decision makers in marketing and sales and C-level titles like CEO, CMP, CIO, and CTO titles. Branded content was developed by IBM's Travel and Transportation industry marketing team and provided for further promotion. The preferred marketing methods were email marketing and content syndication across a variety of channels.

The Travel Report, Machintel's publication for travel and tourism decision-makers, and its associated social media communities were used to engage the target audiences with IBM's promotional content. Micro-sites were built for each of the digital assets and al site visitors were retargeted to enhance brand and product awareness.

The campaign achieved high levels of engagement with repeat interactions through retargeting, on-time delivery of leads, and 100% acceptance rates of the MQL leads generated.

Digital Assets

  • IBM MessageSight in the Automobile Industry
  • Overcoming the Challenges of Inner-City Transportation Management

Additional Case Studies

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